Most of these paintings are part of a series produced over several years and are approximately 200cm x 120cm in size. They have a similar formal structure and are produced using a common process. The theme of darkness and blackness apparent in some of the drawings is developed within these works.
The painting surface is covered with a thick layer of ash and other forms of debris, then industrial paints etc. are cooked to different levels of viscosity and applied to the surface. Bitumen is a material often used. I also use caustic substances as well as burning, scorching and various abrasive processes. The painting is allowed to dry and slowly the surface colouration begins to change and often becomes very fragile. I continue this cycle until I feel the work is complete. Recently, some of the work as moved in a different direction by using dyed and painted strips of material which are wrapped around a frame. This gives the work a much softer feel while still retaining an unsettling quality which is apparent in the other work.
February 2024

The Yellow View of the White. 2022

When the Shaman Met the Alchemist. 2022

The House of Ash. 2019-2020

After the Fire. 2020

Dawn. 2023

Wreckage. 2023-2024 (Ash and Other Mixed Materials)

The Yellowing. 2023 (component)

Extract from a Fairy Tale. 2024