The Storeroom/Cell

March 2023

I have recently gained access to a small space below my studio. One wall is lined with old wooden shelves and the space is lit by natural light from just two small windows high on another wall near the ceiling. The room can be described as something between a Storeroom and a Cell. I am currently using it for storage, but I am considering other possibilities.

June 2023

Psalm - variations series 1

February 2024

‘Psalm’, is a piece of work still in the process of development. It is mainly influenced by the ‘Kunstkammer’, the16th and17th century idea of the Cabinet of Wonders which evolved in mainland Europe. The term ‘Cabinet’, referred to a room rather than a piece of furniture and was used as a place for the display of ‘notable objects’ but in many cases evolved as a collection of curious objects from the worlds of nature, art and science.

Each object displayed is in some form of transition stage. It has either existed as a different object transformed into its present state or, it is awaiting transformation into something else. Each object therefore has previous histories and many possible futures. The objects are constructed from a variety of materials and are selected and combined to create poetic resonance and tension. The idea that inanimate objects having an acoustic quality is an important aspect of my work. Even the term ‘Book of Psalms’ has references to ‘instrumental music’ in Latin and are often referred to as ‘silent harmonies’. The poet Lorca insisted that ‘just listening, just seeing’ was a prerequisite for his work. Kant once described this as ‘eavesdropping on natures secrets’ and Wolfgang Zumdick describes it as ‘something that is found within a silence that is alive’. Interests in Alchemy, Archaeology have also influenced this work.

Psalm - variations series 2


Preparing the Ground