Works on Paper.
These pieces comprise of Drawings, Paintings and Mixed Media works usually measuring between 30cm square and 60cm x 90cm. I made many attempts on a much larger scale but found these unsuccessful. Ideas and images were initially influenced by the writings of authors such as Franz Kafka, Robert Walser, the poetry of Georg Trakl , the Alchemical and Mystical writings of Jacob Böhme and the The Book of Revelation. Images of Angels and Serpents, Shamans and Acrobats often appear in different forms in many pieces of work, as well as theme of the Fall and the Day of Judgement. I like using black bitumen as a medium and the colour Caput Mortuum. I tend to use other colours that reference back to the Alchemic process.
As the paintings and sculpture work began to evolve, I started to introduce more varied types of imagery, explored different processes and materials. I started to use abrasives on the surface of the paper to make it thinner and more fragile. I also made drawings using several layers of paper. I started keeping a record of images that appeared in dreams and using these in the work. The drawings began to take on a very different feel and form. This change, coincided with a developing interest in Archaeology, which was already beginning to influence the 3D work. I began to study archaeological site drawings and other types of representations that archaeologists used to record artefacts and geographical location. This influence is more apparent in my more recent work and results in a series of drawings akin to diagrams, working drawings with a fragmented dream like quality.
February 2024
A selection of work from 2023.